a little piece of heaven
Am I the only one who's not excited about PSP Go's release? The name itself sucks. Seriously. PSP GO? How lame is that? The main thing which really suck is the design. It's horrendous. Looks like a piece of 'flat potato'. Like those hash browns that you buy from McDonald's, but just a bit wider. Another thing which I really dislike is the 'sliding' technology. Looks a bit uncomfortable if you ask me. Long story cut short, it's quite a turn off except for the games that they'll be releasing. I'm not a huge fan of platform games such as J&D but they'll be releasing a new MGS on PSP Go. Does that mean the game isn't available for the previous PSPs? I hope not because my PSP isn't even a year-old yet! Sony always have the greatest ideas to make money. I wonder why they're not adding a camera to it. The cool thing is this ugly model supports bluetooth. If they were to add a camera, this thing can really kick Apple's ass. Oh, and I have not mentioned the most annoying (and also stupidest) thing about PSP Go. It does not have a friggin UMD so they're expecting gamers to download all their games from the net. Well done Sony. Let's see the impact in a few months' time.
Was browsing Afterellen.com. One of the writers there critisized this article and the author of the article as well. Ladies, please click and read it, it's about WHY WOMEN CAN'T BE BOSSES. I bet you'll be infuriated after going through the first page. I'm not surprised that the writer, Paul Thompson is siding men because he's from Askmen.com but seriously, this article proves how much he belittles women. Not only that, it's evident that he has no respect for women by making such stupid statements. Besides, this guy really has a brain which is smaller than a pea because he's too conservative. Obviously his article is total bullshit, if it's really true then tell me why women are becoming more successful these days? Fucking sexist and misogynistic. People like that disgusts me a lot. Ahh, he reminds me of Gordon Ramsay. I'm sure some of you guys have read news about him making a fool of himself by talking utter shit on national television. These two men need help, really. I hope God helps them.
Was browsing Afterellen.com. One of the writers there critisized this article and the author of the article as well. Ladies, please click and read it, it's about WHY WOMEN CAN'T BE BOSSES. I bet you'll be infuriated after going through the first page. I'm not surprised that the writer, Paul Thompson is siding men because he's from Askmen.com but seriously, this article proves how much he belittles women. Not only that, it's evident that he has no respect for women by making such stupid statements. Besides, this guy really has a brain which is smaller than a pea because he's too conservative. Obviously his article is total bullshit, if it's really true then tell me why women are becoming more successful these days? Fucking sexist and misogynistic. People like that disgusts me a lot. Ahh, he reminds me of Gordon Ramsay. I'm sure some of you guys have read news about him making a fool of himself by talking utter shit on national television. These two men need help, really. I hope God helps them.
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