Sunday, January 17, 2010


As I was daydreaming while listening to my phone during my trip back from the wedding dinner, it suddenly dawned on me that I do get jealous of my relatives. I actually mentioned that I do not get jealous of my relatives on my Plurk and also bullshitted about how sinful it is to be jealous of your own family members but it's fully acceptable and comprehensible to be jealous of your friends or other members of the society. I know it doesn't make sense but oh well, I deliberately came up with it, just for fun. Back to being jealous of my relatives.

During dinner, I sat beside this guy cousin of mine. Not really close to him because he's from my dad's side but so far he's the one that I talk to the most and that's mainly because of our music interests. Cool guy. To be more precise, a metalhead who doesn't really look like one and he plays the guitar. He attended the dinner with his sister. Both are quite old, not as in old looking, I mean older than me. They're in their late 20-s. Throughout the dinner, both talked a lot. From music and I mean really quality music talks. Don't ask me to define what are quality music talks. Anyway, that's not the main point. And they kept getting food for each other. What I'm trying to say is, I saw many caring gestures from both of them and it kinda moved me.

Perhaps I'm getting old myself. I'm not sure but I've always been envious of people who have siblings who care for them. This is not the first time I'm envious of such people and also it won't be the last. And yes, I'm really jealous of my friends who have really nice siblings, who fetch them here and there and have heart to heart chats with them. You people know who you are.

There are many things that we can be jealous of but practically most of these things that are actually attainable if we put more effort into it. For instance, wealth, skills (which eventually become talent), fame, good looks, etc. However there are also things which are impossible to be obtained at certain stages in life, no matter how hard you try. In this case, I'm referring to siblings. To be more clear, I'm not jealous just because there's someone there to get food for you, to talk to you or to fetch you around. It's because there's much more to that when you actually have a sibling. The feeling is overall different and it also changes your perspective, as well as your personality if you have one. Sharing is definitely something one will learn when he or she has siblings. I don't think I'm great at sharing, in fact I hate sharing. To be frank, I really abhor sharing especially when it comes to certain things. Let's not go into that.

I tend to digress a lot, it's difficult not to. Anyways, my message to anyone who reads this is, be thankful and appreciatibe, sorry, I mean, appreciative that you've been blessed with such wonderful siblings - that is if you do have siblings. If they are really obnoxious, in lieu of hating them, think of it as free training to cultivate patience and tolerance. As for individuals out there who do not have siblings (like me), too bad for us, just gotta live with it.

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