Mockery? More like fuckery.
I don't hate exams. There are papers that I look forward to and there was even once I arrived a day earlier. Just imagine the sheer excitement and anticipation! Exams give you the chance to prove that you're good at something and introspectively, there's something in you which goes like, oh, I've actually learned this much throughout the semester! It's feelings like these which made you sense growth. And you also don't feel ripped off because education these days is all about money making. At least there's something worthwhile after letting them leech so much. That said, there are papers which are just atrocious. They're so abominable to the extent I don't even consider them exam papers anymore.
What's the most common route to a good grade? Cram as much as you can from the textbook and purge it out in the exam hall. It's like students expected to operate their brains like external hard disks. There's even something worse. Tertiary education has really opened my eyes to the absurdities of the current exam formats.
Imagine questions like these :
1. Which person below wasn't discussed in class when we covered chapter 2?
2. Which person's picture was placed next to the monkey in my slides?
3. Which movie was played to illustrate -insert any theory you want- during my first class?
4. In the movie played during the introductory class, what's the role of the main character? A pirate? A slave?
Evidently, the lecturer wants to test your memory more than your understanding of the subject. Are you serious? Is that the whole reason behind exams? Because in dictionaries, exams is defined as a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge. I don't see how these questions serve to test any of our skills or knowledge pertaining to the subject itself.
If I could answer all the questions above, does that I mean my comprehension of this subject is 100%? Does that I mean I could stand in front of everyone and proudly declare that I'm an expert at this? N-o. Fuck, no. These questions are totally irrelevant and they serve as what I would call filler questions or more like questions to punish those who didn't make it to class, at the same time rewarding those who were present. Plain injustice. What about students who couldn't make it to your class because they had other things to attend to but in the end they still attempted to apprehend the subject itself?
There's no evaluation of skills or knowledge going on here. These questions are completely memory-based; hence, for students who really took the effort to read the textbooks and understand the core concepts, too bad for you. What irks me most is futility of trying to grasp the essence of the subject. If I knew these kind of questions were coming, would I even bother so much about the textbook? Once again, n-o.
I just think such wtf-questions are ludicrous, even more when there's more than one out of 75 questions. Imagine how much marks are lost and the paper isn't an exam anymore. It's a memory test conceived by lecturers who thinks it's amusing. (Or maybe just too lazy to construct better questions to test the students?) Such mockery! Either way, somebody please direct me to the customer service of Dept. of Psychology because I earnestly plan to write a letter of complaint.
Very well written. Are you going to write to the department? We could all sign to make it a petition. He should have known better.
I think your post pretty much explains everything. It's all about money but not education nowadays, lecturer will just simply create questions out of the slides or worst of all, they will just create it based on what they did on class and expect us to remember it. O_O! But, they're the lecturer, can't really do anything, unless you complains to admin, or head of department.
@Eric : Which I already stated, I will write a letter of complaint.
@Yan Shan : That'll be nice. Unfortunately the people that I've talked to today were fine with those questions. They even thought the questions were funny. That said I'll still write because I just feel like doing something about it.
Hmm, well, my gang and your gang tak suka those questions a lot. If you need our signatures then I guess it'd be cool. :-)
Admire your courage and dedication. Go girl!
Good lorh, try and complaint and see if they will do anything. And who are the they? I am pretty sure those people don't really understands the topic well and just read off the slides.
Totally and absolutely support for what u did =D
I was one of the victims as well =X
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