Thursday, March 26, 2009

1 more file to go

This year, the world's first global election is taking place, an election between earth and global warming. It's not about what country you are from, but what planet you are from. Your light switch is your vote. We need one billion votes for earth, because our planet is worth saving. Vote Earth by simply switching off your lights for one hour and join the world for Earth Hour. Saturday march 28th, 8:30-9:30pm.

Oh wells, somebody said I should ad Earth Hour 2009. Yes I'm selfish I still do care a bit for the earth because I'm still living here for .. most probably 80 more years? =D so everyone should make Earth a better place.

Did an acoustic cover of Big Bang's Everything. It's quite lame but I just can't help it. *hides*

If your ears can tolerate it, more videos can be found here.


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