Thursday, July 2, 2009

that feeling

God, I can't believe that this week has been so hectic. It's supposed to be a short honeymoon week since mid terms ended last Thursday. This is all because of the assignments. All the damn assignments are due this week and next week. Did 2 assignments this week and both gave me severe headache because major changes had to be made last minute because of certain reasons, certain stupid reasons.

Malaysian Studies presentation was so screwed up. Pity those who almost dozed off listening to us. Some even walked out. Well, surprisingly, I did not curse them. They have my empathy. Really. We were talking about Malaysia's Independence. Each one of us have been forced to learn that since primary school. It's no surprise that they got bored. Worst, the sound system in theatrette was so fucked up. The video that we made was totally butchered. Only the background music could be heard, the voice of the people in the video was not audible at all. What a pity.

Ahh, never mind that because there are still a few reasons for me to be happy. I did not fail Finite Maths for mid terms. I managed to get more than half which I consider quite an achievement for some stupid brainless person like me when it comes to numbers. REJOICE! Not only that, I even managed to hand in my Finite Maths assignment thanks to Yan Ying who helped me out during the eleventh hour. If not for her, I would've handed in a clean sheet of paper for the lecturer to wipe her face or write a love letter to her boyfriend.

Besides assignments, I've actually been wasting hours of my life watching several old thriller/horror movies such The Unborn, Arang and Anatomy 2. I just realized that the best thing someone can do to distract me is to play an extremely sick and disturbing movie, then I'd be glued to the seat until the movie ends (provided the storyline is intriguing enough). And I also find it amusing to watch scenes like the one above when I'm having my meals. It's like you can feel the pain more when you watch and eat at the same time. Something like engaging more of your senses. Works for me.

Have I mentioned that I'm addicted to Strawberry Panic? Yes, it's old, yeah whatever, I know that but it's so fun and enjoyable! The characters are all very lovable and easy to relate to because I was in an all girls school for 11 years! However, I have to say that those people or whoever you call them who directed this anime were quite a lazy bunch. They like to have 'still scenes'. Lazy lazy lazy. Nevertheless it is still a great anime, mostly because I adore Shizuma a lot.


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