..as expected

Most likely I'll be starting my studies during mid March. Therefore I have to dedicate more time to my ps2 so I can finish Persona 3 : FES. I don't really like the idea of bringing the console down to KL because I wouldn't have that much personal time anymore. *sighs*

Was browsing some LJ community and I saw this article. It's about the issue of homosexuality in P4. How interesting. There's also an unofficial P4 manga which can be found here. Haven't read it yet because the connection sucks like hell today. Takes an eternity to load. I'll read it another time I guess. Time for some fanfictions.
Since I'm already blogging, might as well RANT a bit.
I don't know what you people have in mind but seriously, those words coming out are starting to piss me off. Oh wait, I think I'm already pissed. This explains why I just hate to answer you people's comments positively. I'll just keep quiet or simply answer it. Being bad provides me the gratification. Yeah, maybe I'm starting to change into something really monstrous. Who cares? And it seems like telling you the truth did not change a single thing. You people take it as if I did not say shit about that. If I knew it will turn out like that, I should've kept it away from you people since you all just love rejecting the truth and believe in what you actually prefer to believe in. Tch. How annoying.
Maybe it's just one of my terrible mood swings that I get once in a blue moon but even minor things are starting to get on my nerves. I guess I should get some medicine or something before my anger starts to take control over me. >_>