Wednesday, January 21, 2009

tagged by Teen Wei

1) Do you think you're hot ?
HOT? Why not? Rule 1 for survival - LOVE THYSELF.

2) Upload your favourite picture of you.

3) Why do you like that picture ?
Because I look STUPID. STUPID PICTURES FTW. I swear that one day I'll make everyone on the net post stupid looking photos of themselves instead of their ilookverycute photos. =D

4) When was the last time you ate pizza ?
Last day of Andajaya.

5) The last song you listen to ?
Ramones - I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend

6) What do you do right now besides this ?
Listening to music and drinking coffee and browsing some fan fic.

7) What name do you prefer besides yours ??
Don't know, I love my current name.

Nobody because my laziness is kicking in again. =D

8) Who is number 1 ?

9) Number 3 is having relationship with ?

10) Say something about number 2 ?

11) How about 4 ?

...on a sidenote, do not drink BOSS coffee unless you like the taste of cigarettes inside your mouth. Seriously it tastes as if you just smoked a few minutes ago. I wonder what kinda ingredients they use.


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